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Adrenal Fatigue - 4 Recovery Methods

Are you tired after you drink your coffee? You don't have a soul when you wake up? The pressure is getting bigger, the sensitivity is worse? Eating well but recurring colds? Go to menopause early? ...... If you have some or all of these symptoms, you are likely to be suffering from varying degrees of chronic fatigue caused by Adrenal Fatigue . How Does Adrenal Fatigue Function Decline? Common situations involve many types of stress. Although there are some pressures that we cannot directly control (such as unpleasant bosses, unfriendly family members, stock market crashes, strikes, hurricanes...) many of the pressures that weaken the Adrenal Fatigue function are still related to our diet and lifestyle. For example, a large intake of caffeine, refined carbohydrates, a variety of drugs (not to mention illegal drugs), and smoking, alcoholism, all of these will cause excessive secretion of Adrenal Fatigue hormones, and eventually deplete the Human reserve of stress hormone
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